Bethany York
A Life Giving Church

We're looking for your story! We are receiving stories of your experiences with the Lord during during Lent, Palm Sunday, Good Friday, or Easter. Short or long (up to 750 words). Tell us how this part of HIS-story has intersected your story? Please submit them to the office or Sharon Pirie in digital form. The deadline is March 15.
​​​1.) "I was glad when they said unto me, 'Let us go to the house of the Lord.'" - Psalm 122:1 Commit to joining the Body of Christ weekly as we gather to worship each Sunday at 9 AM.
​​​​2.) Are you growing in your faith? Our Sunday morning Discipleship Groups are specifically designed to enable a growing understanding of God's Word and its application to our lives. We have group opportunities for all ages. Join us weekly at 10:15.
3.) Our Life Group activity continues on Tuesday evenings at 7 AM. We're looking at the parables of Jesus and seeking to make life-application of the truths they contain.
4.) Join our "PIT" crew on Tuesday evenings at 5:30 to share in group prayer for those needs and concerns highlighted on this past week's Connection Cards.​​​​
5.) Be sure you and your kids are taking advantage of our on-line ministry "KIDS CORNER." This is a weekly 3-5 minute Children's Message hosted by our Children's Director, Danna VanArsdale. This event is either live or posted as close to 10:15 Sunday mornings as possible. It can be viewed at any time on Bethany's FaceBook page. Though these brief messages are aimed at children, their ageless truths can benefit the entire family.
- Ash Wednesday is March 5. We'll have an Imposition of Ashes Event that evening at 7 PM.
- Our second Dinner Comedy night will be in the Fellowship Hall from 6 to 8 PM on Saturday, March 15.
Scroll to the bottom of this page for several pictures from our 2024 Vacation Bible School.

Our Weekly Worship Event continues to be a most significant opportunity to connect with the Lord and His church!
Our start time is 9 AM each Sunday morning. If you are unable to attend our worship events in person, they are available online (via FaceBook - scroll to the bottom of this page and click on the FaceBook icon).
The Psalmist said, "I rejoiced with those who said to me, "Let us go to the house of the Lord" (Psalm 122:1).
We trust that like David of old you are rejoicing at the opportunity of connecting with the Lord through "in-person" worship!

We continue to support International Missions Opportunities (IMO) as a vital link to sharing the gospel in Africa. Bola and Aimee Adibisi are working to build a free gospel-sharing medical hospital in Nigeria to care for radically underserved people. Missions trips are available several times per year. While we accept gifts for Missions at any time, our Missions Focus day is the first Sunday of each month.